boiler until test pressure is reached and then hold. If in a 10-minute
period the pressure drop does not exceed 250 kPa one inch water gage, the
casing shall be regarded as tight and accepted. Use air pressure and soap
bubble tests or comparative carbon dioxide readings for induced draft
Internal Component Pressure Tests
part of the pre-assembled fuel oil system that is furnished integrally with
the boiler. [The part of the pre-assembled gas system that is furnished
integrally with the boiler shall be pneumatically tested at operating
pressure. Use the soap bubble test method to verify tightness of the gas
Combustion Tests
NOTE: These field tests shall not be mandatory for
all size boilers but shall be employed where
advisable due to largeness, type, or complexity of
boiler plant. The designer shall determine, on a
case by case basis, which tests are appropriate.
Test the fuel burning and combustion control equipment with [the] [each of
the] specified fuel at the minimum limit of the turndown range and at
increments of 50, 75, and 100 percent of full rated load [plus [_____]
percent overload]. Tests shall be conducted by factory-trained combustion
equipment engineers as previously specified. [The combustion control
system shall demonstrate that equipment installed will meet the
requirements of the specification, and that an overall efficiency as
specified, with not over 15 percent excess air, can be obtained with boiler
operating at 100 percent capacity.] Analyze test data and graphically
present to show for [the] [each] boiler at tested loads: rates of steam
flow; flue gas temperature; percent excess air; steam quality; and
percentages of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and oxygen in the flue gas.
Monitor concentrations of sulfur oxides, particulate, and nitrogen oxides
in the flue gas to ensure compliance with environmental requirements. Run
tests on each fuel until stack temperatures are constant and conformance
with the combustion requirements of this specification has been verified
control panel during the test.
Operational Test
NOTE: These field tests shall not be mandatory for
all size boilers but shall be employed where
advisable due to largeness, type, or complexity of
boiler plant. The designer shall determine, on a
case by case basis, which tests are appropriate.
Continuously test the boiler(s) under varying load conditions to
demonstrate proper operability of the combustion control, flame safeguard
control, programming control, and safety interlocks. Conduct this test
after the adjustment of the combustion controls has been completed under
the combustion test. The operational test shall continue for a period of
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