Chemical Feeder
Size and connect as indicated. Chemical feeder shall be suitable for the
flow, pressure, and temperature conditions at the point of connections.
Provide chemical feed storage as indicated. [The feeder shall be of the
[automatic proportioning type] [shot-type] conforming to MIL-F-18113.] [The
feeder shall be of metering pump type conforming to the requirements of
MIL-W-17122 for chemical feeders.]
Feedwater Test Equipment
Provide for the determination of boiler water condition which includes an
assembly of indicator solutions, standardized solutions, and test glassware
with cabinet. The solution types shall permit tests for water hardness,
total alkalinity, hydroxide, carbonite alkalinity, and chloride content in
milligrams per liter. Feedwater test equipment shall employ a standardized
soap solution for hardness test and a dilute sulfuric acid solution with a
methyl orange indicator for total alkalinity. The hydroxide and carbonate
alkalinity shall be determined with a phenolphthalein indicator and the
chloride content, with a silver nitrate solution. Furnish standardized
phenolphthalein color slides for accuracy in alkalinity tests.
NOTE: Select standard efficiency for motors used
less thatn 750 hours per year and high efficiency
for motors used over 750 hours per year. Packaged
boilers should utilize the manufacturer's standard
efficiency motor.
Motors which are not an integral part of a packaged boiler
shall be rated
for [standard] [high] efficiency service per Section 16402
DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. Motors which are an integral part of
the packaged
boiler system shall be the highest efficiency available by
the manufacturer
of the packaged boiler.
Arrange work in a neat and orderly manner so that minimum storage of
equipment and material is required at the project site. Install equipment
and material in accordance with the best commercial practices. A competent
installation engineer or technician as stated in paragraph "Qualifications
of Engineer" shall assemble an unassembled boiler-burner package in strict
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Systems shall be neat in
appearance, compact, adequate in construction and assembly, and installed
for long and continuous service. Parts shall be readily accessible for
inspection, repair, and renewal. Inspect equipment and material upon
delivery and test after installation. Protect material and equipment from
the weather. Repair damage caused by the Contractor in execution of the
work and leave in a condition equal to that existing before work was
Equipment Foundations
Locate as shown and construct of sufficient size and weight and of proper
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