a pressure relief valve sized [as indicated] [in accordance with Table II
of MIL-H-17660]. Inlet piping and accessories shall be as indicated.
Provide feedwater pumps, as specified herein, interconnecting piping, and
control box as part of the deaerator package. Deaerator capacity shall be
not less than [indicated] [1.25 times that required to supply the boiler(s)
at maximum firing rate]. The temperature of the water delivered at maximum
capacity shall be equivalent to saturated steam temperature at the
oxygen content shall not exceed [0.005] [0.003] cubic centimeters per liter
as determined by the Referee Method A (Colorimetric Indigo Carmine) of ASTM
D 888. Water storage capacity shall be sufficient to operate the boilers
at maximum capacity for [10] [_____] minutes.
Surge Tank and Transfer System
The condensate storage and surge tank shall be a cylindrical welded steel
tank mounted and supported as indicated. The tank shall be designed and
constructed in accordance with the ASME BPVC SEC VIII D1 for the indicated
working pressure. Storage capacity shall be [as indicated] [sufficient to
provide adequate water to the deaerator for [10] [_____] minutes of
[boiler] [plant] operation at maximum capacity]. Inlet connections for
condensate and make-up water shall be as indicated. The tank shall be
equipped with liquid level controllers and valves and alarms as indicated.
Tank shall be equipped with pressure and temperature gages, water level
gage, vent, drain, and overflow. Tank shall be [hot dip galvanized or
cement lined] [epoxy coated] [_____]. Surge tank assembly shall include
condensate transfer pumps and interconnecting piping including strainer and
control box as indicated. Transfer pumps, except for head and temperature
requirements which shall be as indicated, shall conform to requirements for
boiler feed pumps specified herein.
Feedwater Treatment Equipment
Feedwater Characteristics
NOTE: Insert source of water supply.
Equipment for the chemical treatment of the boiler makeup feedwater shall
be designed to reduce the boiler water concentrations to the limits
specified herein when handling raw water having the following impurities
Total hardness as CaCO3_______________________
Calcium hardness as CaCO3_____________________
Magnesium hardness as CaCO3______________________
Alkalinity as CaCO3______________________
Sodium as Na______________________
Sulfates as SO4______________________
Sulfites as SO4______________________
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