[natural gas] [liquified petroleum gas]. Burners shall fire
horizontally and tangentially into pit from opposite sides to heat
refractory lined pit up to radiant temperature. Heat shall be
transferred to hopper car by radiation from hot refractory
surfaces and by convection from exhaust gases and evaporated
moisture to rail car bottom and sides. Construct pit outer shell
of not less than 6 mm 1/4 inch thick corrosion resistant steel
plate, with end plates of 10 gage (3.42 mm0.1345 inch) steel.
Provide supporting flanges and handling loops on both ends and
provide cap strips on top of both sides. Place cast iron heat
deflecting plates with overlapping edges on pit sides and bottom
supported off ledge on outer shell. Provide a minimum 25 mm one
inch air space between plates and outer shell. Pit side walls and
bottom shall have a minimum 65 mm 2 1/2 inch thickness of standard
firebrick with one course of standard end skew brick along top of
side walls. Firebrick shall be easily replaceable. End section
shall have not less than 114 mm 4 1/2 inch thick precast high
temperature refractory panels. Provide burner refractory ignition
tiles with steel jacket casings having mounting lugs for bolting
to end plates of pit. Provide concrete railroad ties adjacent to
each thawing pit. Deliver combustion air to burners by means of
pressure blowers which take fresh air from outside thawing area.
Factory wire and assemble heaters, control panels, blowers, and
zone controls. Shop fabricate burner piping and control valve
NOTE: Designer shall make selections in the text
below based on fuel to be used in thawing system.
Fuel System: Provide complete fuel system for operation with,
[natural] [liquified petroleum] gas including piping, regulators,
controls, gages, solenoid valves, shutoff valves, and accessories
which may be required for each manufacturer's particular system.]
[Provide complete fuel system for operation with duplex fuel oil
pump set with [_____] liters gallon horizontal [below] [above]
ground fuel tank and accessories which may be required for each
accordance with the requirements specified under paragraph
Burner controls shall meet Industrial Risk Insurers' (I.R.I.)
(formerly F.I.A.) requirements. Connect fuel system piping to
fuel supply piping as indicated. Burners shall be controlled
(modulate) to regulate heat output to suit the operating
requirements. Provide a manual light-off, low pressure [gas]
[oil] pilot for automatic light-off of each thawing unit.
Air System: Provide complete air systems for operation with
blowers, inlet silencers, gages, shutoff valves, low pressure
limit switches interlocked with combustion controls, and
accessories which may be required for each manufacturer's
particular system.
Control Panel: Provide centrally located control panel, with
panel front consisting of a graphic display of the thawing system.
Display shall be approximately to scale and coordinated with
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