(1) Provide double wall insulated steel plate door cleanout
complete with 25 mm one inch round hinge pin, gasket and not less
than 18 swing bolts.
(2) Provide a ring of Type 304 Corrosion Resistant Steel (CRES)
to support an inspection or painter's trolley. Weld ring and
support from stack plates with not less that three brackets 10 by
65 by 381 mm 3/8 by 2 1/2 by 15 inches. Space brackets at not
more than 610 mm 2 feet on center around circumference of stack.
(3) Provide a three wheel CRES flat rail trolley of 227 kg 500 lbs
capacity. Trolley shall have guides to prevent it from leaving
the track [_____] meters of 8 mm feet of 1/4 inch CRES plow steel
(4) Provide each stack with an external ladder with cage for full
(5) Provide
a flue gas sensing thermocouple well with thermocouple
one meter 3
feet above breeching opening and 1 1/2 meters 5 feet
below top of
stack. Wells shall be CRES and shall extend about
halfway into
Stacks shall be shop coated prior to shipping from factory.
Obstruction Lighting
NOTE: Stack obstruction lighting requirements are
dependent on a number of factors including the
location and height of the stack. The designer
shall refer to NAVFAC DM-23.1, NAVFAC Design Manuals
DM-23.1, NAVFAC DM-23.2, NAVFAC Design Manual
DM-23.2 and FAA AC 150/5345, FAA AC 150/5345 to
determine if obstruction lighting is required.
consisting of one red, flashing, 300 millimeter hazard beacon atop each
stack, two steady burning, red obstruction marker lights halfway up each
stack, photoelectric and flasher controls, weather-tight terminal boxes,
cable, and conduit.
Hazard Beacons:
FAA AC 150/5345-43 Type L-866.
Obstruction Lights:
FAA AC 150/5345-43 Type L-810.
Stack Sampling Platform
NOTE: Designer shall detail a stack sampling
platform if required. If not required delete this
paragraph. If required the platform will have to be
located at a point as approved by air pollution
control agency having jurisdiction. Many local and
state codes incorporate Title 40 Code of Federal
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