Regulations, Part 60. Depending upon final air
location may be on the stack or possibly on a long
length of horizontal breeching. Stack sampling
platform should have the following features:
1. Sampling ports located according to 40 CFR 60
Appendix A, Method.
2. Platform should be 914 mm 36 inches wide but at
ports location it should project away from breeching
or stack a minimum of 610 mm 2 feet plus the
diameter of the breeching or stack for up to 3 meters
10 feet in diameter stack.
monitoring devices are located at stack sampling
point or anywhere else on breeching, a non-vertical
access (stairs or catwalk) is required. For stack
sampling purposes a non vertical ladder is preferred
but is not required. Platform with grating shall be
designed for a live loading of 1464 kg/m2 300
lbs/sq. ft; platform should have railing with two
intermediate railings and 100 mm 4 inchtoeplate.
lighting including lights over the test ports should
be provided.
Provide stack sampling platform conforming to requirements of 29 CFR
1910-SUBPART D, Walking and Working Surfaces.
Multilouver Dampers
NOTE: Opposed blade dampers shall be used for
throttling service and parallel blade dampers shall
be used for two-position service.
Provide factory fabricated multilouver dampers with [parallel] [or]
[opposed] blade type operation. Construct damper frame of distortion
resistant welded steel channels with raised seat to ensure free nonbinding
operation of blades and to keep blades square in the frame. Construct
blades of 6 mm 1/4 inch thick steel plate in a stressed skin airfoil-shape
with fully welded seams containing no external ribs. Blade shafts shall be
stainless steel. Blades shall be pinned to blade shafts. Louver shaft
bearings shall be outboard type and shall be self-lubricating and
self-cleaning. Bearing seals shall be gas-tight.
Multilouver damper linkage shall be adjustable and of pinned
construction for easy removal and shall be designed to handle full
operation torque. Linkage on dampers in clean flue gas areas
shall operate from a single connection point. Design linkage on
dampers in dirty flue gas areas, between boiler outlet and inlet
to air pollution equipment, so that bottom blade linkage arm is
not connected to above linkage, to allow this blade to operate
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