Provide stoker drive mechanism with grease cups, oil cups, or splash pans
to provide proper lubrication.
NOTE: The designer shall fill in the appropriate
information as defined in MIL-B-18796.
Provide a fully modulating, oil burner conforming to MIL-B-18796, Class
[_____], except as modified below. Provide burner with windbox, burner
blower fan, dampers, fuel train and associated controls to comprise a
complete factory assembled package. Total heat input to the boiler furnace
shall be provided by [_____] burners. Burner package shall be considered
an integral part of the steam generator and shall be subject to applicable
provisions of the boiler design and service together with the requirements
of tests, performance guarantees and other warranties specified for the
Burner Characteristics
Burner shall be quiet in operation and shall operate with a balanced flame
shall be capable of completely atomizing and effectively mixing oil with
air so as to ensure complete combustion. Air admitted shall be of
sufficient quantity for complete combustion, but not of such quantity as to
produce an undue percentage of excess air with attendant high stack loss.
Oil burner shall operate without clogging or failure, and shall have
sufficient capacity to develop not less than the specified capacity.
Burner unit shall be easily removed from firing position and readily
accessible for inspection, cleaning, and other purposes. Provide adequate
observation ports on burner. Burner manufacturer shall guarantee that
there will be no flame impingement on sidewalls, top, bottom, or rear walls
of furnace. Install burner manufacturer furnished refractory throat tiles
or other items required for proper installation of burner.
NOTE: For boilers below 7100 kW 25,000 pounds per
hour the designer shall select either compressed air
or steam atomization after performing an economic
analysis. For 7100 kW 25,000 pounds per hour and
above, atomization shall be by compressed air unless
steam pressure is required for greater turndown.
Burner shall be [steam atomizing; steam pressure at header is [_____] kPa
(gage) psig; steam temperature at header is [_____] degree C F] [air
atomization and the maximum requirement for each burner shall not exceed
[_____] L/s scfm of air at [_____] kPa (gage) psig]. Provide pressure
reducing valve and controls as required.
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