Air puff type, fixed position, multi-nozzled rotating element type complete
with air master controller for each boiler, entirely air-operated and
designed for controlled automatic sequential operation. Units shall be
operated in such a manner that air issues from the element in a series of
sustained high pressure puffs of approximately one second duration each.
During each puff, element shall be rotated through a predetermined and
measured short arc (17 degrees) by means of a ratchet mechanism in the
sootblower head. Between each puff, no air shall flow through blowers and
there shall be sufficient time for system to be restored to full pressure.
When each blowing cycle is complete, the controller shall automatically
stop its operating sequence. Provide sootblowers complete, with wall
sleeve bushings, element supports, clamps, bolts, and other required
piping, and supports. Sootblower piping and fittings shall have welded
connections. No threaded piping or fittings will be permitted. Install
sootblower elements with care so that they do not rub on tubes and cause
eventual tube failure.
Retractable Sootblowers
Provide in lieu of fixed position type and use where flue gas temperatures
exceed 982 degrees C 1800 degrees F. Sootblowers shall be [air] [electric]
motor operated. Rotation of sootblower shall be continuous from the moment
the lance or element begins to extend. Rotational and translational speeds
shall be independently adjustable by changing sprockets. Sootblowers shall
be complete with heavy steel housing, outside adjustment of nozzle
pressure, alloy element or lance, wall sleeve, supports, and necessary
hardware required for a completely workable system.
Sootblower Elements
Provide sootblowers with elements specially designed for use with [steam]
[air]. Elements subjected to temperatures of 482 to 816 degrees C 900 to
1500 degrees F shall be chromium covered extra heavy carbon steel tubing or
a chrome alloy as specified for high temperatures; between 817 to 927
degrees C 1501 to 1700 degrees F, elements shall contain not less than 20
to 23 percent chrome; from 928 to 982 degrees C 1701 to 1800 degrees F, not
less than 24 to 27 percent chrome. Provide a flexible connection between
each head and element.
On the operating floor provide a pushbutton for each boiler for starting
and stopping sootblower system.
Control for Sootblowing System
Provide sootblowing system with an automatic programmable control system
which will automatically start and stop each soot blower in programmable
sequence and monitor and display operation of soot blowers. Provide an
override control which will permit manual start-stop operation of
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