Random NDE Testing
NOTE: The paragraphs will be edited and inserted if
necessary to ensure proper implementation of the
specification writer or design engineer must
indicate how much quality control of welding is
needed for each project and who is to be
responsible, i.e., primarily the Contractor or the
Government. If quality control is to be the
responsibility of the Government, delete paragraphs
entitled "Performance" and "Qualification of
Inspection and Nondestructive Examination (NDE)
Personnel" through "NDE Personnel Qualification" and
renumber paragraphs as necessary. Rarely will a
project require 100 percent testing of welds by NDE
methods. The designer must determine the required
methods and the extent of inspection and testing and
must indicate the extent in this or other sections
drawings by notes, nondestructive test symbols, or
other means. The referenced applicable publications
and Army Technical Manual, "Welding Design,
Procedures and Inspection," TM-5-805-7, will be used
for guidance in determining inspection and testing
requirements. The specifications or project
drawings must clearly indicate which joints require
100 percent NDE inspection, which joints require
random NDE inspection, and which NDE methods are to
be employed for each joint. For random inspection,
the project drawings must indicate the location,
number of joints, and minimum increment length of
weld that will be subject to NDE inspection without
predisclosing the exact spots to be examined. Joints
not indicated to be tested by NDE methods shall be
subject to visual inspection only. In cases where
the nature of the welding is such as to require
visual inspection only, the requirements for
nondestructive examinations should be deleted from
these paragraphs and from paragraph entitled
"Qualification of Inspection and Nondestructive
Examination (NDE) Personnel."
NOTE: This paragraph will be deleted when the
Contractor is not required to perform random
inspection. Edit to delete any listed
nondestructive test method which is inapplicable.
Insert a number from 1 to 99 for percent of welds to
be randomly inspected; 10 percent is recommended for
most projects.
When [radiographic,] [liquid penetrant,] [magnetic particle,] [or]
[ultrasonic] examination is required, test a minimum of [10] [_____]
percent of the total length or number of piping welds. Randomly select the
welds examined, but include an examination of welds made by each welding
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