operator or welder. If random testing reveals that a weld fails to meet
minimum quality requirements, examine an additional [10] [_____] percent of
the welds in that same group. If the additional welds examined meet the
quality requirements, the entire group of welds represented shall be
accepted and the defective welds shall be repaired. If any of the
additional welds examined also fail to meet the quality requirements, that
entire group of welds shall be rejected. Remove and reweld rejected welds
or examine rejected welds 100 percent and remove and reweld defects.
Visual Examination
Visually examine welds as follows:
Before welding -- for compliance with requirements for joint
preparation, placement of backing rings or consumable inserts,
alinement and fit-up, and cleanliness.
During welding -- for conformance to the qualified welding
After welding -- for cracks, contour and finish, bead
reinforcement, undercutting, overlap, and size of fillet welds.
Nondestructive Examination
NOTE: Delete any nondestructive test method not
required. If magnetic particle inspection is
required, specify whether wet or dry particle method
is appropriate.
NDE shall be in accordance with written procedures. Procedures for
[radiographic,] [liquid penetrant,] [magnetic particle,] [or] [ultrasonic]
tests and methods shall conform to ASME BPVC SEC V. The approved procedure
shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Contracting Officer's QA
written procedures shall include:
Timing of the nondestructive examination in relation to the
welding operations.
Safety precautions.
Examinations and Tests by the Government
Examinations and tests will conform to paragraphs "Visual Examination" and
or welding operators shall make repairs using welding procedures which will
develop the full strength of the members cut. Welding shall be subject to
examination and tests in the mill, shop, and field.
Piping Subject to 100 Percent NDE
ASME B31.4 [and ASME B31.3] Piping Subject to 100 Percent NDE: 100 percent
of each day's girth welds installed in the following locations shall be
nondestructively examined 100 percent by radiographic, magnetic particle,
or liquid penetrant examination unless impracticable, in which case at
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