"Qualification of Inspection and Nondestructive
Examination (NDE) Personnel."
Certify NDE personnel and establish a written procedure for the control and
administration of NDE personnel training, examination, and certification.
Base procedures on appropriate specific and general guidelines of training
and experience recommended by ASNT RP SNT-TC-1A, [Supplement
A-Radiographic] [Supplement B-Magnetic particle] [Supplement C-Ultrasonic]
[and] [Supplement D-Liquid Penetrant].
Welding Procedures and Qualifications
Specifications and Test Results: Submit copies of the welding
procedure specifications and procedure qualification test results
for each type of welding required. Approval of any procedure does
not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for producing
acceptable welds. Submit this information on the forms printed in
ASME BPVC SEC IX or their equivalent.
Certification: Before assigning welders or welding operators to
the work, submit their names, together with certification that
each individual is performance qualified as specified. Do not
start welding work prior to procedure qualification. The
certification shall state the type of welding and positions for
which each is qualified, the code and procedure under which each
is qualified, date qualified, and the firm and individual
certifying the qualification tests.
Conform to AWS A2.4.
Weld Identifications
Submit a list of the welders' names and symbol for each welder. To
identify welds, submit written records indicating the location of welds
made by each welder or welding operator.
Conform to AWS Z49.1, 29 CFR 1910-SUBPART Q, "Welding, Cutting, and
Brazing," 29 CFR 1926-SUBPART J, "Welding and Cutting."
Do not perform welding when the quality of the completed weld could be
impaired by the prevailing working or weather conditions. The Contracting
Officer will determine when weather or working conditions are unsuitable
for welding.
Deliver filler metals, electrodes, fluxes and other welding materials to
the site in manufacturers' original packages and store in a dry space until
used. Label and design packages properly to give maximum protection from
moisture and to assure safe handling.
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