length, type, and location of the welds, as
NOTE: Insert the applicable ANSI piping codes.
ANSI B31.2, "Fuel Gas Piping," and ASME B31.8, "Gas
listed under paragraph entitled "References," may be
Qualification of the welding procedures for each group of materials to be
welded is required as indicated in ASME BPVC SEC IX. Record in detail and
qualify the "Welding Procedure Specifications" for every welding procedure
proposed. Qualification for each welding procedure shall conform to the
requirements of ANSI Standards and to this specification. The welding
procedures shall specify end preparation for welds, including cleaning,
alignments, and root openings. Preheat, interpass temperature control, and
postheat treatment of welds shall be as required by ANSI Piping documents,
unless otherwise indicated or specified. Describe the type of backing
rings or consumable inserts, if used, and, if they are to be removed, the
removal process. Welding procedure qualifications shall be identified
individually and referenced on the shop drawings or suitably keyed to the
contract drawings.
Welder and Welding Operator Performance Qualification
NOTE: Insert the applicable ANSI piping codes.
ANSI B31.2, "Fuel Gas Piping," and ASME B31.8, "Gas
listed under paragraph entitled "References," may be
Qualify each welder and welding operator assigned to work covered by this
specification by performance tests using equipment, positions, procedures,
base metals, and electrodes or bare filler wires from the same
specification, classification, or group number that will be encountered on
his assignment. Welders or welding operators who make acceptable procedure
qualification tests will be considered performance-qualified for the
welding procedure used. Determine performance qualification in accordance
with [ASME BPVC SEC IX, [ANSI Piping Standards]] [_____] and as specified.
Renewal of Qualification
Requalification of a welder or welding operator shall be required under one
or any combination of the following conditions:
When a welder or welding operator has not used the specific
welding process for a period of 3 months. The period may be
extended to 6 months if the welder has been employed on another
welding process.
There is specific reason to question the welder's ability to make
welds that will meet the requirements of the specifications.
The welder or welding operator was qualified by an employer other
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