The Contractor shall obtain the services of a qualified engineer or
technician from the compressor manufacturer to supervise installation,
start-up, and testing of the compressor. After satisfactory installation
of the equipment, the engineer or technician shall provide a signed
certification that the equipment is installed in accordance with the
manufacturer's recommendations.
Conform to API Std 619 and the following:
Compressor power is shaft power at shaft coupling, including all
losses and connected appurtenances.
Thermal and acoustical insulation shall have flame spread rating not higher
than 75, and smoke developed rating not higher than 150 when tested in
accordance with ASTM E 84.
Provide for air compressor.
Include start-up and shutdown sequence
Year 2000 (Y2K) Compliance Warranty
For each product, component and system specified in this section as a
"computer controlled facility component" provide a statement of Y2K
compliance warranty for the specific equipment. The contractor warrants
that each hardware, software, and firmware product delivered under this
contract and listed below shall be able to accurately process date and time
data (including, but not limited to, calculating, comparing, and
sequencing) from, into, and between the twentieth and twenty-first
centuries, and the years 1999 and 2000 and leap year calculations to the
extent that other computer controlled components, used in combination with
the computer controlled component being acquired, properly exchange data
and time data with it. If the contract requires that specific listed
products must perform as a system in accordance with the foregoing
warranty, then that warranty shall apply to those listed products as a
system. The duration of this warranty and the remedies available to the
Government for breach of this warranty shall be defined in, and subject to,
the terms and limitations of the contractor's standard commercial warranty
or warranties contained in this contract, provided that, notwithstanding
any provisions to the contrary, in such commercial warranty or warranties,
the remedies available to the Government under this warranty shall include
repair or replacement of any listed product whose non-compliance is
discovered and made known to the contractor in writing within one year (365
days) after acceptance. Nothing in this warranty shall be construed to
limit any rights or remedies the Government may otherwise have under this
contract, with respect to defects other that Year 2000 performance.
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