Valve Boxes
For each buried valve provided cast-iron, ductile-iron, or plastic box of a
suitable size. Provide cast-iron, ductile-iron, or plastic cover for the
box with "FUEL OIL" cast on the cover. Plastic boxes shall be constructed
of ABS plastic or inorganic fiber-reinforced black polyolefin plastic. Coat
cast-iron and ductile-iron boxes with bituminous paint conforming to
Shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's written instructions and
installation procedures as approved by the Contracting Officer. Submit
design and installation drawings that indicate and detail recommended
installation procedures including provisions for expansion, anchors, thrust
blocks, supports, vent, and drain connections.
Prior to preparation and assembly, the Contractor shall inspect pipefor
physical damage and make repairs in accordance with the manufacturer's
written instructions, except over wrapping the damaged of faulty area with
any type patch or other material will not be permitted.
Sand surfaces to be bonded, including those formed or shaved at the
factory, not more than 2 hours prior to assembly. Clean and remove sanding
dust to obtain surfaces suitable for bonding. Sanded surfaces which come
in contact with hands, equipment, or dirt must be re-sanded. Dry and
re-sand damp or wet bonding surfaces as required by the manufacturer.
During rain or cold weather, prepare joint and assemble under a protective
cover with heat applied. Pipe cut to length in the field shall have ends
square within 1.60 mm 1/16 inch for all diameters through 300 mm 12 inch
pipe. Form spigot ends using tools recommended by the manufacturer. Align
and fit prepared joints prior to application of adhesive.
Adhesive Mixing and Application
MIL-P-29206, adhesive materials, mixing, and application shall be in
accordance with manufacturer's instructions including limitations on
adhesive shelf life and pot life.
Assembly and Alignment
Assemble FRP pipe and fittings according to manufacturer's instructions.
Proper alignment must be maintained during assembly so that twisting or
straightening is not required after joining. Misalignment shall not exceed
1.60 mm 1/16 inch or one degree prior to application of adhesive.
Cure FRP pipe joints and fitting joints according to the manufacturer's
instructions. Heating devices shall be as recommended by the FRP pipe
manufacturer. Do not move, vibrate, or otherwise disturb joints during
curing of adhesive.
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