Blocks." After casting thrust blocks, backfill and compact bedding around
center portions of FRP pipe with thrust blocks and joints clear for
thrust blocks are installed. The expansion of FRP pipe must be absorbed by
the FRP pipe itself. No expansion will be absorbed by changes in direction
of the pipe or by expansion joints in buried systems.
Operational Test
Thoroughly dry system of all water and fill with fuel. Verify operation of
[surge absorbers and] system relief valves. Operate complete system as in
service with fuel at design flow rates for 48 hours with fuel flowing
through the system for 8 hours and flow stopped for 8 hours. Examine
system for leaks and porosity. Repair leaks, replace porous pipe, and
repeat test until system is proven tight. After successful completion of
Additional Flushing
Flush or re-circulate aviation fuel dispensing system with design
specification fuel until station fuel lab tests indicate fuel quality at
dispensing point meets cleanliness use limits of:
Particulate matter
2.11 mg/liter 8.0 mg/gal
Free water
20 ppm
Field Repairs of Pipe and Joints
The Contractor shall be responsible for the repair of all leaks or other
deficiencies caused by faulty workmanship or materials. Make repairs to
leaking pipe or joints, whatever the cause, by removing and replacing the
faulty section or a short length containing the fault. Over wrapping the
fault with any type of patch or other material will not be permitted. If a
joint is damaged during the laying operation, it can be cut off and a
coupling bonded to the cutoff end and laid in the line as a normal pipe. If
damage occurs to a pipe after it has been laid, the damaged section shall
be cut out and replaced with a new pipe section in accordance with the
manufacturer's instruction.
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