bearing faces have a slope of more than 1:20 with respect to a plane normal
to bolt axis.
Materials Not Specifically Described
Materials not specifically described shall conform to latest ASTM
specification or to other listed commercial specifications covering class
or kinds of materials to be used.
Flame Cutting of Material
Flame cutting of material other than steel shall be subject to approval of
Contracting Officer. Shearing shall be accurately done, and all portions
of work neatly finished. Steel may be cut by mechanically guided or
hand-guided torches, provided an accurate profile with a smooth surface
free from cracks and notches is secured. Surfaces and edges to be welded
shall be prepared in accordance with AWS D1.1/D1.1M. Chipping and/or
grinding will not be required except where specified and as necessary to
remove slag and sharp edges of mechanically guided or hand-guided cuts not
exposed to view. Visible or exposed hand-guided cuts shall be chipped,
ground, or machined to metal free of voids, discontinuities, and foreign
Alignment of Wetted Surfaces
Exercise care to assure that correct alignment of wetted surfaces being
joined by a flanged joint is being obtained. Where plates of the water
passage change thickness, transition shall occur on the outer surface,
leaving inner surface properly aligned. When welding has been completed
and welds have been cleaned, but prior to stress relieving, joining of
plates shall be carefully checked in the presence of Government inspector
for misalignment of adjoining parts. Localized misalignment between inside
or wetted surfaces of an adjoining flange-connected section of pump or
formed suction intake shall not exceed amount shown in Column 4 of Table 1
for the respective radius or normal distance from the theoretical flow
centerline. Misalignments greater than allowable amount shall be corrected
by grinding away offending metal, providing the maximum depth to which
metal is to be removed does not exceed amount shown in Column 5 of Table 1.
No metal shall be removed until Contractor has assured himself and
Contractor Officer that no excessive stresses will occur in remaining
material and that excessive local vibration will not result from removal of
the material. Where required correction is greater than the amount in
Column 5 of Table 1, pipe shall be rejected for use. Proposed procedure
for all corrective work, other than minor grinding, shall be approved by
Contracting Officer prior to start of corrective work. Corrective work
shall be finished by grinding corrected surface to a smooth taper. Length
of the taper along each flow line element shall be 10 times the depth of
the offset error at flow line. Wetted surface irregularities that might
have existed in an approved model shall not be reason for accepting
comparable surface irregularities in prototype pump.
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