[Pump shall withstand, with no damage, full rotative speed caused by
subjecting pump to reverse flow. Head used to determine this reverse
rotative speed is calculated from specified highest discharge side water
elevation and lowest pump intake side water elevation.[ Pump and its
connected electric motor shall be capable of full reverse rotative speed
when acting as a turbine by reverse water flow. Use the highest head
specified in paragraph [STATIC][POOL-TO-POOL][BOWL] HEAD to determine the
reverse speed.][ Drive systems containing reduction gears or engines shall
be furnished with a non-reverse device.]]
[Pump shall withstand, with no damage, the full force exerted on it, with
impeller subjected to reverse flow and upper end locked in place by
backstop. Calculate head to determine the force developed by this reverse
flow from specified highest discharge side water elevation and lowest pump
intake side water elevation. Reverse rotative speed shall be [0.0][_____]
with instantaneous activation of backstop.]
NOTES: Select appropriate alternate paragraph.
All pump specifications should require some minimum
efficiency at the primary or normal operating design
point. This minimum efficiency should be based on
the pump selections made during pump station layout
and design.
Alternate 1 is used when pool-to-pool head is
specified in paragraph PROJECT/SITE CONDITIONS, and
the pump manufacturer is required to model the
discharge system (Alternate 2). Alternate 2 is a
measure of pump efficiency as defined in HI 2.6.
The stated efficiency is based on the pump selection
made during station layout and design.
[Pool-to-pool efficiency at head-capacity condition(s) specified in
paragraph CAPACITIES shall not be less than [_____] percent when calculated
as follows:
Efficiency = ---------- x 100
366 x BKW
Q = Discharge, cubic meter/hour
H = Pool-to-pool total head, meters
BKW = Pump brake kilowatt
Efficiency = ---------- x 100
3960 x BHP
Q = Discharge, gallons per minute
H = Total head, feet
[Pump efficiency, as defined in HI 2.6, shall include losses from the
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