may conduct the inspections if equipped and competent to perform
such a service, and if approved by the Contracting Officer.
(2) Acceptance Criteria: Defects found on the hook or hook nut
shall result in rejection of defective items for use on furnished
hoist. For this inspection, a defect is defined as a linear or
non-linear indication for which the largest dimension is greater
than 3 mm 1/8 inch. Weld repairs for defects on hook or hook nut
will not be permitted.
(3) Test Report: A test report of the magnetic particle
inspection of each hook and hook nut provided shall be submitted
to and approved by the Contracting Officer prior to final
acceptance of hoist installation. Test reports shall be certified
by the testing organization.
NOTE: For LANTNAVFACENGCOM, substitute bracketed
NOTE: When there is one hoist on one monorail
system, the monorail system capacity and the hoist
capacity will be comparable. When there is more
than one hoist on the monorail system, the capacity
of the monorail system should be comparable to the
sum of the individual rated hoist capacity with the
following exceptions:
1. There are positive monorail track beam stops to
restrict the approach of the hoists.
2. Calculations indicate that at the point of
closest approach of the hoists, with rated capacity
load on the hoists, the monorail track beam and
monorail support points (and appurtenances) are not
loaded in excess of the load condition imposed by
any one hoist with rated load in any location.
Should conditions 1 and 2 exist, then the capacity
of the monorail system may be comparable to the
capacity of the highest rated individual hoist in
the monorail track system. Do not specify a
monorail system of greater capacity than required,
as this will increase the system cost.
[Comply with MMA MH27.1 except as modified and supplemented herein.]
Patented Track
Provide specially designed trackage, e.g., patented track beam, curves, and
switches constructed from welded steel components. The lower flange of the
track section shall have flat wheel treads; minimum lower flange width of
80 mm 3.25 inches; chemical composition of 0.45 to 0.60 percent carbon
content, 0.60 to 1.1 percent manganese content; and wheel treads shall be
hardened to a minimum Brinell Hardness Number of 225. Upper flange and web
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