Main Drains
Provide separate drain piping [to discharge at safe points outside each
building] [to sight cones attached to drains of adequate size to readily
receive the full flow from each drain under maximum pressure.] [The
penetration of the exterior wall shall be no greater than [0.61 meters]
[2.0 feet] [above finished grade.]] Provide auxiliary drains as required
by NFPA 13. Provide precast concrete splash blocks under each exterior
drain discharge.
NOTE: Contact the fire department legally obligated
to protect the facility to find out what their
specific requirments are.
Fire Department Connections
Provide [100] [_____] mm [4] [_____]inches single [Storz] [_____] type
connections approximately one meter 3 feet above finish grade, of the
approved two-way type with 65 mm 2.5 inch National standard female hose
threads with brass caps, chain, and identifying fire department connection
escutcheon plate.
NOTE: Minimum depth of cover must comply with NFPA
24 for the specific area of the project.
Pipe and Fittings
Provide outside-coated, cement-mortar lined, ductile-iron pipe, and
fittings conforming to NFPA 24 for piping under the building and outside of
building walls. Anchor joints in accordance with NFPA 24.
concrete thrust block at the elbow where the pipe turns up toward the
floor, and restrain the pipe riser with steel rods from the elbow to the
flange above the floor. Minimum pipe size shall be 150 mm 6 inches.
Minimum depth of cover shall be [_____] [one meter] [3 feet] at finish
grade. [Piping beyond 1.50 meters 5 feet outside of building walls shall
be provided under Section 02510 WATER DISTRIBUTION.]
Provide as required by NFPA 24. Gate valves shall conform to UL 262 and
shall open by counterclockwise rotation.
Post Indicator Valves
Provide with operating nut located about one meter 3 feet above finish
grade. Gate valves for use with indicator post shall conform to UL 262.
Indicator posts shall conform to UL 789. Provide each indicator post with
one coat of primer and two coats of red enamel paint.
Valve Boxes
Except where indicator posts are provided, for each buried valve, provide
cast-iron, ductile-iron, or plastic valve box of a suitable size. Plastic
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