approved methods. When work is not in progress, securely close open ends
of piping to prevent entry of water and foreign matter. Inspect piping
before placing into position. Provide Teflon pipe thread paste on male
Electrical Work
Provide electrical work associated with this section under Section 16402
INTERIOR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM, except for control [and fire alarm] wiring.
[Provide fire alarm system under Section 13852N INTERIOR FIRE DETECTION AND
ALARM SYSTEM.] Provide control [and fire alarm] wiring, [including
connections to fire alarm systems,] under this section in accordance with
NFPA 70. Provide wiring in rigid metal conduit or intermediate metal
conduit, except electrical metallic tubing conduit may be used in dry
locations not enclosed in concrete or where not subject to mechanical
Disinfect the new water piping and existing water piping affected by
Contractor's operations up to the [bottom flange of the dry pipe valve]
[backflow prevention device] in accordance with AWWA C651. Fill piping
systems with solution containing minimum of 50 milligram per kilogram
solution to stand for minimum of 24 hours. Flush solution from the systems
with domestic water until maximum residual chlorine content is within the
range of 0.2 to 0.5 mg/kg [_____] ppm, or the residual chlorine content of
domestic water supply. Obtain at least two consecutive satisfactory
bacteriological samples from new water piping, analyze by a certified
laboratory, and submit results prior to the new water piping being place
into service. Disinfection of systems supplied by nonpotable water is not
Connections to Existing Water Supply Systems
Use tapping or drilling machine valve and mechanical joint type sleeves for
connections to be made under pressure. Bolt sleeves around the main
piping; bolt valve to the branch connection. Open valve, attach drilling
machine, make tap, close valve, and remove drilling machine, all without
interruption of service. Notify the Contracting Officer in writing at
least [_____] [15] days prior to connection date; receive approval before
any service is interrupted. Furnish materials required to make connections
into existing water supply systems, and perform excavating, backfilling,
and other incidental labor as required. [Furnish] [Government will furnish
only] the labor and the tapping or drilling machine for making the actual
connections to existing systems. [All piping shall be photographed prior
to burying, covering, or concealing.]
Buried Piping System
Bury tape with the printed side up at a depth of 305 mm 12 inches below the
top surface of earth or the top surface of the subgrade under pavements.
Field Painting
[Painting of sprinkler systems above suspended ceilings and in crawl spaces
is not required.] Clean, prime, and paint new sprinkler system piping,
valves, hangers, accessories, and miscellaneous metal work as specified [in
Section 09900 PAINTS AND COATINGS] [and] [herein]. Clean surfaces prior to
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