painting. Immediately after cleaning, prime metal surfaces with FS TT-P-664
or SSPC Paint 25 metal primer applied to a minimum dry film thickness of
0.04 mm 1.5 mils. Exercise care to avoid painting sprinkler heads and
operating devices. Upon completion of painting, remove materials which
were used to protect sprinkler heads and operating devices which have been
inadvertantly painted and provide new clean sprinkler heads and operating
devices of the proper type. Finish primed surfaces as follows:
Systems in Finished Areas
Finished areas are defined as areas where walls or ceilings are painted or
are constructed of a prefinished material. Paint primed surfaces with two
coats of paint to match adjacent surfaces, except paint valves and
operating accessories with two coats of gloss red enamel. [Provide piping
with 50 mm 2 inch wide red bands spaced at maximum 6 meter 20 feet
intervals throughout the piping system. Bands shall be gloss red enamel or
self-adhering plastic.]
Systems in Unfinished Areas
Paint piping in valve rooms, [and] mechanical rooms, [and] [attics] [and]
[crawl spaces] with FS TT-E-489 gloss red enamel applied to a minimum dry
film thickness of 0.04 mm 1.6 mils.
Perform test to determine compliance with the specified requirements in the
presence of the Contracting Officer. Test, inspect, and approve piping
before covering or concealing.
Preliminary Tests
Hydrostatically test each system at 345 kPa (gage) 50 psig above normal
system static pressure or 1379 kPa (gage) 200 psig, whichever is greater,
for a 2-hour period with no leakage or reduction in pressure. Flush piping
with potable water and air test each system in accordance with NFPA 13.
Piping above suspended ceilings shall be tested, inspected, and approved
before installation of ceilings. Test the alarms and other devices. Test
the water flow alarms by flowing water through the inspector's test
connection. Water shall be delivered to the system test connection in not
more than 60 seconds, starting at the normal air pressure on the system and
at the time of a fully opened inspection test connection. When tests have
been completed and corrections made, submit a signed and dated certificate,
similar to that specified in NFPA 13.
Formal Tests and Inspections
Do not submit a request for formal test and inspection until the
preliminary test and corrections are completed and approved. Submit a
written request for formal inspection at least [_____] [15] days prior to
inspection date. An experienced technician regularly employed by the
system installer shall be present during the inspection. At this
inspection, repeat any or all of the required tests as directed. Correct
defects in work provided by the Contractor, and make additional tests until
the systems comply with contract requirements. Furnish appliances,
equipment, [water,] electricity, instruments, connecting devices, and
personnel for the tests. [The Government will furnish water for the
tests.] The [_____] Division, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Fire
Protection Engineer, will witness formal tests and approve systems before
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