Installation Software
The Contractor shall load software as specified and required for an
operational system, including data bases and specified programs. Upon
successful completion of the endurance test, the Contractor shall provide
original and backup copies on CD-ROM of all accepted software, including
Satisfaction of the requirements below does not relieve the Contractor of
responsibility for incorrect installations, defective equipment items, or
collateral damage as a result of Contractor work/equipment. The Contractor
shall not apply power to the system until after:
a. System equipment items and DTS have been set up in accordance with
manufacturer's instructions.
b. A visual inspection of the system has been conducted to ensure that
defective equipment items have not been installed and that there are no
loose connections.
System wiring has been tested and verified as correctly connected.
d. System grounding and transient protection systems have been
verified as properly installed.
the correct voltage, phasing, and frequency.
NOTE: The contractor quality control requirements
for all electronic security projects, as stated in
ER 1180-1-6, must be included in contracts,
regardless of increase in project cost. Normally
this contractor quality control requirement is
applicable to projects in excess of
The Contractor shall provide the services of technical representatives who
are familiar with all components and installation procedures of the
installed system; and are approved by the Contracting Officer. These
representatives shall be present on the job site during the preparatory and
initial phases of quality control to provide technical assistance. These
representatives shall also be available on an as needed basis to provide
assistance with follow-up phases of quality control. These technical
representatives shall participate in the testing and validation of the
system and shall provide certification that their respective system
portions meet the contractual requirements.
General Requirements for Testing
supplies necessary to perform site testing. The Government will witness
all performance verification and endurance testing. Written permission
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