indicating opening and then close.
Alarm Shunting/System Bypass
The system shall provide a means to ignore operator selected alarm types at
operator selected portals in order to allow standard entry control
procedures to be bypassed (shunted). Predefined alarm shunting shall only
be available to system operators with the proper password. The system
shall also provide for predefined alarm shunting based upon time zones.
This capability shall only apply to the entry control alarm type.
The Contractor shall provide all wire and cable not indicated as Government
furnished equipment. Wiring shall meet NFPA 70 standards.
Above Ground Sensor Wiring
Sensor wiring shall be 20 AWG minimum, twisted and shielded, 2, 3, 4, or 6
pairs to match hardware. Multiconductor wire shall have an outer jacket of
Direct Burial Sensor Wiring
Sensor wiring shall be 20 AWG minimum, twisted and shielded, 2, 3, 4, or 6
pairs to match hardware. The construction of the direct burial cable shall
be as specified in Section 16792A WIRE LINE DATA TRANSMISSION SYSTEM.
Local Area Network (LAN) Cabling
LAN cabling shall be in accordance with EIA ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-A, category 5.
Cable Construction
All cable components shall withstand the environment in which the cable is
installed for a minimum of 20 years.
Power Line Surge Protection
power line surges. Equipment protection shall withstand surge test
waveforms described in IEEE C62.41. Fuses shall not be used for surge
Sensor Device Wiring and Communication Circuit Surge Protection
Inputs shall be protected against surges induced on device wiring. Outputs
shall be protected against surges induced on control and device wiring
protected against surges induced on any communications circuit. Cables and
conductors, except fiber optics, which serve as communications circuits
surge protection circuits installed at each end. Protection shall be
furnished at equipment, and additional triple electrode gas surge
protectors rated for the application on each wireline circuit shall be
installed within 1 m 3 feet of the building cable entrance. Fuses shall
not be used for surge protection. The inputs and outputs shall be tested
in both normal mode and common mode using the following two waveforms:
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