recommend the point at which testing should be resumed. After
delivering the written report, the Contractor shall convene a test
review meeting at the jobsite to present the results and
recommendations to the Government. The meeting shall not be scheduled
earlier than 5 business days after receipt of the report by the
Government. As a part of this test review meeting, the Contractor
shall demonstrate that all failures have been corrected by performing
appropriate portions of the performance verification test. Based on
the Contractor's report and the test review meeting, the Government
will determine the restart date, or may require that Phase I be
repeated. If the retest is completed without any failures, the
Contractor may proceed directly to Phase III testing after receipt by
the Contractor of written permission from the Government.
d. Phase III Testing: The test shall be conducted 24 hours per day
for 15 consecutive calendar days, including holidays, and the system
shall operate as specified. The Contractor shall make no repairs
during this phase of testing unless authorized by the Government in
e. Phase IV Assessment: After the conclusion of Phase III, the
Contractor shall identify all failures, determine causes of failures,
repair failures, and deliver a written report to the Government. The
report shall explain in detail the nature of each failure, corrective
action taken, results of tests performed, and shall recommend the point
at which testing should be resumed. After delivering the written
report, the Contractor shall convene a test review meeting at the
jobsite to present the results and recommendations to the Government.
The meeting shall not be scheduled earlier than 5 business days after
receipt of the report by the Government. As a part of this test review
meeting, the Contractor shall demonstrate that all failures have been
corrected by repeating appropriate portions of the performance
verification test. Based on the Contractor's report and the test
review meeting, the Government will determine the restart date, and may
require that Phase III be repeated. The Contractor shall not commence
any required retesting until after receipt of written notification by
Government. After the conclusion of any retesting which the Government
may require, the Phase IV assessment shall be repeated as if Phase III
had just been completed.
f. Exclusions: The Contractor will not be held responsible for
failures in system performance resulting from the following:
(1) An outage of the main power in excess of the capability of
any backup power source, provided that the automatic initiation of
all backup sources was accomplished and that automatic shutdown
and restart of the ESS performed as specified.
provided that the failure was not due to Contractor furnished
equipment, installation, or software.
(3) Failure of existing Government owned equipment, provided that
the failure was not due to Contractor furnished equipment,
installation, or software.
The occurrence of specified nuisance alarms.
The occurrence of specified environmental alarms.
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