square feet install a minimum of two 450 mm 18 inch square viewing ports.
Locate ports to provide a view of the required work from the exterior of
the enclosed contaminated area. Glaze ports with laminated safety glass.]
Work Procedures
Perform removal of lead-based paint in accordance with approved lead-based
paint/paint with lead removal/control plan. Use procedures and equipment
required to limit occupational and environmental exposure to lead when
lead-based paint is removed in accordance with 29 CFR 1926.62. Dispose of
removed paint chips and associated waste in compliance with Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), State, and local requirements.
Lead-Based Paint Removal/Control/Deleading
NOTE: Use bracketed prohibition on manual and power
sanding when appropriate. Large scale manual or
power sanding of painted surfaces should never be
allowed in family housing, administrative buildings,
galleys, barracks, etc., due to problems associated
crevices and cracks which may retain unseen
quantities of lead-contaminated dust. Use of this
type of removal technique for exteriors of the
aforementioned facility types should be extremely
limited, because the resulting airborne dust could
the immediate vicinity of the facility. Manual or
power sanding of interior and exterior surfaces may
be an acceptable work method only if appropriate
in place.
[Manual or power sanding of interior and exterior surfaces is not permitted
unless tools are equipped with HEPA attachments or wet methods. The dry
sanding or grinding of surfaces that contain lead is prohibited] Provide
methodology for LBP removal/control in work plan. Remove paint within the
areas designated on the drawings in order to completely expose the
substrate. Take whatever precautions necessary to minimize damage to the
underlying substrate.
[ Avoid [flash rusting][deterioration] of the substrate. Provide surface
preparations for painting in accord with Section 09900 PAINTS AND COATINGS.]
NOTE: Listed below are various types of paint
removal techniques. Designer may be required to
specify a particular technique in order to limit
potential conflicts or problems.
1. Wood, Drywall, Interior Partitions
a. Scraping
b. Heat Stripping
c. Chemical Stripping
d. Power Tool Cleaning (least acceptable)
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