0.1 square meter square foot on floors, less than 250 micrograms per 0.1
square meter square foot on interior window sills and less than 400
micrograms per 0.1 square meter square foot on window troughs] [not
significantly greater than the initial surface loading determined prior to
[ The third party consultant shall certify surface wipe sample results
collected inside and outside the work area are less than 200 micrograms per
0.1 square meter square foot on floors or horizontal surfaces.]
[ Certify surface wipe samples are not significantly greater than the initial
surface loading determined prior to work.]
[ For exterior paint removal/control work, soil samples taken at the exterior
of the work site shall be used to determine if soil lead levels had
increased at a statistically significant level (significant at the 95
percent confidence limit) from the soil lead levels prior to the work. If
soil lead levels do show a statistically significant increase or is above
any applicable Federal or State standard for lead in soil, the soil shall
be remediated back to the pre-work level.]
[ Clear the lead control area in industrial facilities of all visible dust
and debris.]
[ For lead-based paint hazard abatement work, surface wipe and soil sampling
shall be conducted and clearance determinations made according to the work
practice standards presented in 40 CFR 745.227.]
NOTE: Proper segregation and handling of waste can
significantly reduce the generated volume (and cost)
of disposing hazardous wastes.
NOTE: Federal regulations (40 CFR 260-265) require a
U.S. EPA generator identification number of the site
for use on the Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest
prior to commencement of removal work. A USEPA
generator identification number will not be required
if it is certain that the work will not generate HW.
NOTE: Amend text to reflect State, regional, and
local laws, regulations, and statutes.
NOTE: Amend text to reflect State, regional, and
local requirements regarding the recycling of lead
wastes. The entire waste stream or discrete portions
of the waste may be appropriately packaged and
transported for recycling (Consider Section 01572
eligible for sanitary landfill or C&D landfill
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