Vinyl and Asphalt Flooring Materials
When removing vinyl and asphalt flooring materials [which contain ACM]
[from a building in which ACM has not been verified], the Contractor shall
use the following practices as shown in RESPONSE ACTION DETAIL SHEET [56]
[57] [58] [59] [60] [61] [62] [63] [64]. Resilient sheeting shall be
removed by adequately wet methods. Tiles shall be removed intact (if
possible); wetting is not required when tiles are heated and removed
intact. Flooring or its backing shall not be sanded. Scraping of residual
adhesive and/or backing shall be performed using wet methods. Mechanical
chipping is prohibited unless performed in a negative pressure enclosure.
Dry sweeping is prohibited. The Contractor shall use vacuums equipped with
HEPA filter, disposable dust bag, and metal floor tool (no brush) to clean
Roofing Material
NOTE: Removal or repair of sections of intact
roofing less than 2.3 square meters (25 square feet)
in area does not require use of wet methods or HEPA
vacuuming as long as manual methods, which do not
render the material non-intact, are used to remove
the material without creating visible dust. In
determining whether a job involves less than 2.3
square meters (25 square feet), the designer should
specify all removal and repair work to be performed
on the same roof on the same day.
When removing roofing materials which contain ACM as described in 29 CFR
1926.1101(g)(8)(ii), the Contractor shall use the following practices as
shown in RESPONSE ACTION DETAIL SHEET [74] [75]. Roofing material shall be
removed in an intact state. Wet methods shall be used to remove roofing
materials that are not intact, or that will be rendered not intact during
removal, unless such wet methods are not feasible or will create safety
hazards. When removing built-up roofs, with asbestos-containing roofing
felts and an aggregate surface, using a power roof cutter, all dust
resulting from the cutting operations shall be collected by a HEPA dust
collector, or shall be HEPA vacuumed by vacuuming along the cut line.
Asbestos-containing roofing material shall not be dropped or thrown to the
ground, but shall be lowered to the ground via covered, dust-tight chute,
crane, hoist or other method approved by the CO. Any ACM that is not
intact shall be lowered to the ground as soon as practicable, but not later
than the end of the work shift. While the material remains on the roof it
shall be kept wet or placed in an impermeable waste bag or wrapped in
plastic sheeting. Intact ACM shall be lowered to the ground as soon as
practicable, but not later than the end of the work shift. Unwrapped
material shall be transferred to a closed receptaclet. Critical barriers
shall be placed over roof level heating and ventilation air intakes.
Cementitious Siding and Shingles or Transite Panels
NOTE: Alternate work practices which do not involve
hand removal may be specified according to 29 CFR
1926.1101(g)(8)(vi), "Alternative Work Practices and
Controls"; EPA 340/1-92/013 "A Guide to Normal
Demolition Practices Under the Asbestos NESHAP"; EPA
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