Contractor shall include the following statement in the report: "By
signing this report I certify that the personnel I am responsible for
during the course of this project fully understand the contents of 29 CFR
1926.1101, 40 CFR 61, Subpart M, and the federal, state and local
requirements for those asbestos abatement activities that they will be
involved in."
Specific Requirements
The Contractor shall designate in writing, personnel meeting the following
Asbestos Abatement Contractor
The Contractor shall be certified/licensed [by applicable state agencies]
to perform asbestos-related activities.
Designated Competent Person
Evidence that the full-time Designated Competent Person is qualified in
accordance with 29 CFR 1926.32 and 29 CFR 1926.1101, has EPA MAP
"Contractor/Supervisor" training accreditation, has EPA/State
certification/license as a "Contractor/Supervisor" and is experienced in
the administration and supervision of asbestos abatement projects,
including exposure assessment and monitoring, work practices, abatement
methods, protective measures for personnel, setting up and inspecting
asbestos abatement work areas, evaluating the integrity of containment
waste containment and disposal procedures, decontamination units
installation and maintenance requirements, site safety and health
requirements, notification of other employees onsite, etc. The Designated
Competent Person shall be responsible for compliance with applicable
federal, state and local requirements, the Contractor's Accident Prevention
Plan (APP) and Asbestos Hazard Abatement Plan (AHAP). The Contractor shall
submit, the "Contractor/Supervisor" course completion certificate and the
most recent certificate for required refresher training, [EPA/State
certification/license] with the employee "Certificate of Worker
Acknowledgment". The Contractor shall submit evidence that this person has
a minimum of [2 years] [_____] of on-the-job asbestos abatement experience
relevant to OSHA competent person requirements. The Designated Competent
Person shall be onsite at all times during the conduct of this project.
Project and Other Supervisors
"Contractor/Supervisor" training accreditation. The Contractor shall
submit, the "Contractor/Supervisor" course completion certificate and the
most recent certificate for required refresher training, EPA/State
certification/license with the employee "Certificate of Worker
Acknowledgment". The Contractor shall submit evidence that the Project
Supervisor has a minimum of [2 years] [_____] of on-the-job asbestos
the other supervisors have a minimum of [1 year] [_____] on-the-job
asbestos abatement experience commensurate with the responsibilities they
will have on this project.
Designated Industrial Hygienist
The Contractor shall provide the resume for the Industrial Hygienist (IH)
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