[directional] [stationary] [revolving] type, [with] [without]
dampers, designed for a minimum capacity of [_____] cubic meters
of air per second cubic feet of air per minute for each
ventilator, based on a wind velocity of 8 km per hour 5 miles per
hour and an exterior-interior temperature differential of 6
degrees C 10 degrees F and without screens in place.
Continuous Ventilators: Continuous roof ventilators shall be
ridge mounted gravity type, [with] [without] dampers, designed for
a minimum capacity of [_____] cubic meters of air per second cubic
feet of air per minute for each 3 m (10 foot) 10 foot section
based on a wind velocity of 8 km per hour 5 miles per hour and an
exterior-interior temperature differential of 6 degrees C 10
degrees F and without screens in place.
Drift Provisions
NOTE: When masonry walls are anchored to the steel
framing, the maximum allowable deflection of the
wall will be used as a limiting value for the
structure drift. Complete masonry design and
details must be shown on the drawings. Sections A6
and A15 of MBMA Low Rise Manual should be reviewed
when determining drift limitations.
Lateral deflections, or drift, at the roof level of a structure in relation
to the floor or slab on grade, caused by deflection of horizontal force
resisting elements, shall [conform to MBMA MBSM] [be less than [_____] mm
NOTE: Delete this paragraph when cranes are not
required. To properly specify a crane, the designer
must provide complete crane data to the Builder.
Crane data sheets commonly supplied by a crane
manufacturer do not provide the complete
specifications necessary for the design of a crane
for a building.
In specifying crane data, it is important that
consideration be given to future operations which
could increase crane loadings and fatigue. Special
drift requirements must be specified on the Contract
NOTE: Insert appropriate Section number and title
in blank below using format per UFC 1-300-02.
The crane loads shall be obtained from the crane manufacturer and shall be
applied per MBMA MBSM for the design of the crane runways and supports.
The cranes, girders, rails, end trucks, stops, and bumpers shall be
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