The Contractor shall correct, at his expense, materials and installations
observed by these tests and inspections to not be in conformance with the
plans and specifications. The Contractor shall pay for all retesting done
by the government engineer made necessary by the correction of deficiencies.
NOTE: For cathodic protection projects in the
LANTNAVFACENGCOM area, select the appropriate
LANTNAVFACENGCOM options for paragraphs entitled
"One Year Warranty Period Testing" and "Final Field
One Year Warranty Period Testing
The Contractor shall inspect, test, and adjust the cathodic protection
system [quarterly] [semi-annually] [_____] for one year, [4] [2] [ ]
interim inspections total, to ensure its continued conformance with the
criteria outlined below. The performance period for these tests shall
commence upon the completion of all cathodic protection work, including
changes required to correct deficiencies identified during initial testing,
and preliminary acceptance of the cathodic protection system by the
Contracting Officer. Copies of the One Year Warranty Period Cathodic
Protection System Field Test Report, including field data, and certified by
the Contractor's corrosion engineer shall be submitted to the Contracting
Officer, the activity, and the geographic Engineering Field Division
corrosion [protection program manager] [engineer, LANTNAVFACENGCOM Code
404] [protection program manager, LANTNAVFACENGCOM Code 1614C].
Final Field Testing
Conduct final field testing of the cathodic protection system utilizing the
same procedures specified under, "Initial Cathodic Protection System Field
Testing". The Contractor shall inspect, test, and adjust the cathodic
protection system after one year of operation to ensure its continued
conformance with the criteria outlined below. The performance period for
these tests shall commence upon the completion of all cathodic protection
work, including changes required to correct deficiencies identified during
initial testing, and preliminary acceptance of the cathodic protection
system by the Contracting Officer. Copies of the Final Cathodic Protection
System Field Test Report, certified by the Contractor's corrosion engineer
shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer and the geographic
Engineering Field Division corrosion [protection program manager]
[engineer, LANTNAVFACENGCOM Code 404] [protection program manager,
LANTNAVFACENGCOM Code 1614C] for approval, and as an attachment to the
operation and maintenance manual in accordance with Section 01781,
"Operation and Maintenance Data".Text
Instructing Government Personnel
NOTE: There are restrictions on the type and extent
of training. Training is usually on-site, 2 days or
less. Factory representatives or others provide
basic instructions to facility maintenance and
operation personnel. If more extensive training is
required, i.e., student travel, special consultants,
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