installation observed during the tests and inspections. Measurements shall
be made with voltmeters having input impedance not less than 10 megohm.
Testing shall include the following:
Base potential tests: At least [one week] [24 hours] [_____]
after the tank has been filled, but before energizing of the
cathodic protection system, measure the base (native)
structure-to-water potentials of the tank [and riser]. The
locations of these measurements shall be identical to the
locations specified for measuring energized structure-to-water
Permanent reference electrode tests: Verify proper operation and
calibration of the reference electrode (s) including the entire
reference electrode wiring circuit. Verify calibration of the
reference electrode in accordance with paragraph
generic type should not exceed [10] [15] millivolts.] [Zinc
permanent reference electrodes should be within the range of -1000
to -1150 millivolts when calibrated with a copper-copper sulfate
reference electrode.] Permanent reference electrodes not within
site by the end of the day and replaced at the contractor's
expense. The testing provision shall also apply to replacement
reference electrodes as well.
NOTE: Select paragraph "c" as appropriate.
NOTE: For impressed current systems only.
Rectifier testing: Upon completion of the installation, "Base
Potential" and "Permanent Reference Electrode" tests, energize and
adjust the rectifier to provide current to the anode at a level
that will protect the tank[/riser pipe] in accordance with the
criteria listed. Measure D.C. output of the rectifier and current
output of each anode at different rectifier settings. Measure the
current outputs across the installed shunts. Verify these
readings using portable, calibrated meters and shunts. This
testing shall demonstrate if the rectifier system is capable of
functioning properly as required to provide effective cathodic
NOTE: For galvanic systems only.
Anode-to-water potential and anode output current tests: Upon
completion of the installation, "Base Potential" and "Permanent
Reference Electrode" tests, measure anode-to-water potential of
each anode or each anode string with the anodes disconnected.
After connecting the anodes to the tank [through junction box],
measure current output of each anode or anode string across the
calibrated shunt.]
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