NOTE: For all types of cathodic protection systems.
Energized tank[/riser pipe]-to-water potential tests: After
operation of the cathodic protection system for at least 24 hours
[one week] [_____], perform the tank[/riser pipe]-to-water
measurements listed in the following five paragraphs with a
portable reference electrode placed within 25 mm one inch of, but
not touching, the tank[/riser pipe] wall and bottom surfaces and
(1) On a vertical line midway between two anode strings beginning
at a point 305 mm one foot below water level and continuing at
point 915 mm 3 feet apart until the bottom of the tank is reached.
(2) On a second vertical line midway between two anode strings on
the opposite side of the tank from the first vertical line
beginning at a point 305 mm one foot below water level and
continuing at points 915 mm 3 feet apart until the bottom of the
tank is reached.
(3) Across the bottom of the tank in a line between the two
vertical lines at [915] [_____] mm [3] [_____] foot intervals.
In at least [4] [_____] places which are close to anodes.
(5) On a vertical line in the riser pipe beginning at the top of
the riser and continuing at [915] [_____] mm [3] [_____] foot
intervals until the bottom of the riser is reached.
Initial Cathodic Protection System Field Test Report
The contractor shall submit a field test report of the cathodic protection
structure-to-electrolyte measurements, including initial potentials, shall
be recorded on applicable forms. Identification of rectifiers, anode
junction boxes, test locations, and test stations shall coordinate with the
as-built drawings and be provided on system drawings included in the
report. The contractor shall locate, correct, and report to the
Contracting Officer any short circuits encountered during the checkout of
the installed cathodic protection system.
NOTE: The requirements of paragraph entitled
"Government Field Testing" are required for cathodic
protection projects in the LANTNAVFACENGCOM area.
The designer should verify their applicability to
projects outside the LANTNAVFACENGCOM area with the
appropriate EFD corrosion program manager.
Government Field Testing
The government corrosion [engineer, LANTNAVFACENGCOM Code 404] [program
manager, LANTNAVFACENGCOM Code 1614C] shall review the Contractor's initial
field testing report. Approximately four weeks after receipt of the
Contractor's initial test report, the system will be tested and inspected
in the Contractor's presence by the government corrosion [engineer,
LANTNAVFACENGCOM Code 404] [program manager, LANTNAVFACENGCOM Code 1614C].
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