designated to be protected is not made less negative by the energization of
the cathodic protection system. Test station terminal connections and the
terminal conductor shall be permanently tagged to identify each termination
of the conductors (e.g. identify the conductors connected to the protected
structures). Conductors shall be permanently identified in the station by
means of plastic or metal tags, or plastic sleeves to indicate termination.
Each conductor shall be color coded in accordance with the drawings. The
station test facility, including permanent Cu-Cu S04 reference cells and
test returns shall be installed as indicated. Pavement inserts shall be
nonmetallic and shall allow Cu-Cu S04 reference electrode to contact the
electrolyte beneath the pavement surface. Abbreviations shall not be used.
shall be "CADweld", "Thermo-weld", or approved equal. Use and selection of
these materials and welding equipment shall be in accordance with the
manufacturer's recommendations.
Calibrated Shunts
Shunts calibrated in current per potential (e.g. mA/V) shall be installed
between the lead or header wire connected to the anode and the current
collector lead connected to the structure. The calibration of the shunt
shall be clearly marked and installed to be visible.
Sealing and Dielectric Compound
Sealing and dielectric compound shall be a black, rubber based compound
that is soft, permanently pliable, tacky, moldable, and unbacked. Compound
shall be applied as recommended by the manufacturer, but not less than 3 mm
1/8 inch thick.
Protective Covering
Except as otherwise specified, protective covering for underground metallic
components including pipe and fittings shall be applied mechanically in a
factory or field plant specially equipped for the purpose. Valves and
fittings that cannot be coated and wrapped mechanically shall have the
protective covering applied by hand, preferably at the plant applying the
covering to the pipe. Joints shall be coated and wrapped by hand. Hand
coating and wrapping shall produce a covering equal in thickness to the
covering applied mechanically. Piping and components installed in valve
boxes or manholes shall also receive the specified protective coating.
Pipeline Metallic Components
Underground metallic pipelines and structures shall have a good quality
factory applied coating. This includes carbon steel, cast iron and ductile
iron pipelines or vessels. If nonmetallic pipelines are installed,
metallic fittings or pipe sections shall be coated as follows.
The nominal thickness of the metallic pipe joint or other
component coating shall be [0.2] [0.4] [0.6] [1.0] [1.5] [_____]
mm [8] [16] [24] [40] [60] [_____] mils, plus or minus 5 percent.
Pipe and joint coating for factory applied or field repair
material shall be applied as recommended by the manufacturer and
shall be one of the following:
(1) Continuously extruded polyethylene and adhesive coating system.
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