the hole will usually keep the hole open until the
anodes and coke breeze are installed. If a casing
plastic (nonmetallic) and should be located above
the anode string.
Casing shall be [_____] mm inch outside diameter, 3 mm 1/8 inch minimum
wall thickness black steel pipe, conforming to ASTM A 53/A 53M, Type E or
S, Grade B. The top casing shall be [_____] mm inch outside diameter, 3 mm
1/8 inch minimum wall thickness black steel pipe, conforming to ASTM A 53/A
53M, Type E or S, Grade B. The metal casing shall extend no more than
[1.5] [_____] m [5] [_____] feet below the top of a well cap.
Anode Centering Device for Deep Anode Ground Beds
Anode centering device shall be nonmetallic and capable of maintaining
centering in the hole without interfering with other anode lead wiring,
until coke breeze is packed in place.
Nonmetallic conduit shall conform to NEMA TC 2.
Test Boxes and Junction Boxes
Boxes shall be outdoor type conforming to UL 514A.
Vent Pipes
All deep wells shall be vented in anode zones.
Openings in the vent shall
not be larger than 0.1524 mm 0.006 inches.
Polyethylene Insulation
Polyethylene insulation shall comply with the requirements of ASTM D 1248
and of the following types, classes, and grades:
High Molecular Weight Polyethylene
High molecular weight polyethylene shall be Type I, Class C, Grade E5.
High Density Polyethylene
High density polyethylene shall be Type III, Class C, Grade E3.
Test Stations
Test stations shall be complete with an insulated terminal block having the
indicated number of terminals and shall be provided with a lockable cover
and have a cast-in legend, "C.P. Test". Test stations shall be complete
with an insulated terminal block having the required number of terminals.
(One terminal required for each conductor). Sufficient test stations to
monitor underground isolation points shall be provided. Test-bond stations
(potential measurement and stray current control) shall be provided to
monitor pipe to soil potential of proposed underground pipes or existing
underground metallic structures which may conduct stray current from the
new cathodic protection system. The location of the test-bond stations
shall ensure that the pipe to soil potential of metallic pipe not
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