NOTE: Insert additional details describing the
specific project for which this specification is
being used. Projects involving military
incorporate the applicable requirements of
MIL-STD-188-124, "Grounding, Bonding, and Shielding
for Common Long Haul/Tactical Communication
Systems." An 2400 by 2400 by 2400 mm 8 by 8 by 8
feet test module has proven beneficial on complex,
extra large, or extra critical construction
projects. The module simulates the Contractor's
welding techniques, penetration techniques, and
testing techniques prior to trying them out in the
actual building shield. The test module fabrication
and testing plan should also detail the SELDS and
NSA 65-6/IEEE Std 299 test to be performed including
test dates so that an expert government witness may
be present for the tests. The results of all module
testing must be included in a final test module
reports. Be aware that standard manufactured
shielded doors are not designed for exposure to
section, with the additions and modifications specified herein. [The
enclosure[s] shall be designed and fabricated in accordance with ICBO UBC
for free-standing structures.] [The enclosure[s] shall be [mounted on
rollers] [fitted with forklift channels in the base] [fitted with lifting
eyes on the roof].] Provide enclosure complete with [power line filters,]
[telephone/signal line filters,] [RF air vents,] [penetrations for
outlets,] and door assembly. Provide each item with fittings and hardware
necessary for a complete and operable RF shielded enclosure. Where two or
more units of the same type, class, and size of equipment are required,
units shall be products of a single manufacturer. Completely isolate the
enclosure electrically from the building in which the enclosure is to be
Mechanical Work
NOTE: Modify or delete these paragraphs as required
for each project. Additional items such as raised
computer floors may be specified in the same manner.
NOTE: Insert appropriate Section number and title
in blank below using format per UFC 1-300-02.
Provide complete shielded enclosure[s] including work specified in
[_____][and [_____]].
Electrical Work
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