Design Flow:
[_____] gal/minute
Maximum Flow Rate:
[_____] gal/25 cm filter
Design Inlet Pressure:
[_____] psi
Design Influent Temperature:
[_____] degrees F
Maximum Influent Temperature:
[_____] degrees F
Minimum Influent Temperature:
[_____] degrees F
Fluid Viscosity:
[_____] lb/ft-s
Flow Conditions:
[intermittent] [continuous] [batch]
Design Influent,
Suspended Solids:
[_____] mg/L
Design Influent,
Particle Size:
[_____] micron
Maximum pH:
Minimum pH:
Source of Process Water:
[landfill leachate] [_____]
Chemical Pretreatment:
[alum] [polymer] [_____]
[_____] mg CaCO3/L
Calcium Concentration:
[_____] mg/L
[_____] mg/L
Cartridge and Bag Design Criteria
NOTE: This paragraph specifies minimum design
requirements for cartridge and bag filtration
Total Number Operating Units:
Number of On-line Units:
Number of Stand-by Units:
Number of Elements per Unit:
Design Effluent,
Suspended Solids:
[_____] mg/L
Design Effluent,
Particle Size:
[_____] micron
Maximum Differential Pressure: [_____] Pa at design temperature
[_____] Pa at maximum temperature
Maximum Differential Pressure: [_____] psi at design temperature
[_____] psi at maximum temperature
NOTE: Submittals must be limited to those necessary
for adequate quality control. The importance of an
item in the project should be one of the primary
factors in determining if a submittal for the item
should be required.
A "G" following a submittal item indicates that the
submittal requires Government approval. Some
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