of critical equipment. Consider whether an initial
operating period is included in the contract.
[An inventory of all equipment, tools, and items shall be provided to the
Contracting Officer at the start of the operating period. The inventory
shall be updated monthly. A current inventory shall be delivered to the
Contracting Officer when the operating period is complete.] [Concurrent
with delivery and installation of the specified equipment, auxiliary
equipment and spare parts shall be furnished.] The Contractor shall
furnish the following:
a. [Spare parts for each different item of material and equipment
specified including all of the parts recommended by the manufacturer to
be replaced after [1 year] [1 year and 3 years] service.] [Spare parts,
replacement parts and other items duplicated or replaced during the
operating period.]
b. For each type of grease, one lever type grease gun or other
lubricating device.
c. [One set of special tools for each type of equipment including
calibration devices, and instruments required for adjustment,
calibration, disassembly, operation, and maintenance of the equipment.]
[One set of special tools, calibration devices, and instruments
required for operation, calibration, and maintenance of the equipment.]
d. One or more steel tool cases mounted on the wall in a convenient
location complete with flat key locks, two keys, and clips or hooks to
hold each special tool.
e. A [three] [six] month supply of lubricants, [fuel,] [and]
[consumable items] at the end of the contract.
NOTE: A life cycle cost analysis should be
performed before selection of the equipment option:
flare, enclosed combustor, thermal oxidizer,
catalytic thermal oxidizer, regenerative thermal
oxidizer, recuperative thermal oxidizer or catalytic
recuperative thermal oxidizer.
The system will be rejected upon failure to achieve both the minimum
temperature and the minimum retention time specified in paragraph
Performance Requirements.
NOTE: See 40 CFR 60.18 for shroud requirements;
edit this paragraph if shroud is not needed.
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