NOTE: Selection of the type of flooring to be used
should be based on the appropriate project design
requirements, availability, and relative cost. The
method of specifying the pattern is optional, but
the "file sample" is recommended for projects for
which the design is sensitive.
Acrylic impregnated hardwood floors are recommended
for commercial type facilities. Prefinished
urethane and stain/wax prefinishes are normally for
residential or light commercial usage.
Choice of critical radiant flux level as it applies
to building type and area of application will be
made in accordance with the latest edition of
MIL-HDBK 1008B or NFPA 101. Wherever the use of
Class II (0.22 watts) finish is required, Class I
(0.45 watts) will be permitted.
Critical radiant flux will be a minimum average of
0.45 watts when used in corridors in bachelor
enlisted quarters, bachelor officer quarters,
hospital, child care centers, temporary lodging
facilities, and new construction detention and
correctional facilities. Generally the critical
radiant flux will be a minimum of 0.22 for corridors
of other type facilities. Where an approved
automatic sprinkler system is installed, Class II
interior floor finish may be used where Class I
floor finish is required, and where Class II is
required, no critical radiant flux rating is
required. Omit sentence if not applicable.
Hardwood parquet flooring shall conform to NOFMA Grading Rules. [The
flooring shall match the color and pattern of the sample on file at the
office of the Contracting Officer.] [Pattern shall be [_____] [as
formaldehyde when tested in accordance with ASTM E 1333. Hardwood flooring
in corridors and exits shall have a minimum average critical radiant flux
of [0.22] [0.45] watts per square centimeter when tested in accordance with
ASTM E 648.
Laminated Block Flooring
NOTE: The species are listed in descending order of
based on quality required and compatibility with
color desired or selected for the file sample. Size
of units will depend on pattern selected and should
be stated.
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