recesses, offsets, external corners, and other conditions to provide a
complete and neatly finished installation. Tile bases and coves shall be
solidly backed with mortar.
NOTE: This paragraph covers three different methods
of installing tile on walls: the mortar bed method
W211, W221, W222, W231, and W241; direct to masonry
with dry-set mortar W202; and the organic adhesive
method W223, and W242, 243 or 244. See TCA Hdbk for
detailed guidance.
General guidance is as follows:
The mortar bed method or cementitious backer board
method will be used for all prolonged wet areas such
as showers. Ceramic tile over gypsum board will be
used only in dry areas.
Dry-set mortar applied direct to masonry is suitable
for all but prolonged wet areas such as showers.
The organic adhesive method will be limited to dry
areas and will generally be used over gypsum
Where more than one method is used for the same
project, care must be taken to ensure that the
drawings clearly indicate the various substrates and
where each method is used. Where only one method is
used on a project, clearly specify that method only.
Wall tile shall be installed in accordance with the TCA Hdbk, method
Workable or Cured Mortar Bed
Tile shall be installed over a workable mortar bed or a cured mortar bed at
the option of the Contractor. A 0.102 mm 4 mil polyethylene membrane,
metal lath, and scratch coat shall also be installed. Workable mortar bed,
materials, and installation of tile shall conform to ANSI A108.1. Cured
mortar bed and materials shall conform to ANSI A108.1.
Dry-Set Mortar and Latex-Portland Cement Mortar
[Dry-set] [or] [Latex-portland cement] shall be used to install tile in
accordance with ANSI A108.1. Latex portland cement shall be used when
installing porcelain ceramic tile.
Organic Adhesive
Organic adhesive installation of ceramic tile shall conform to ANSI A108.1.
Furan Mortar and Grout
Furan mortar and grout installation shall conform to ANSI A108.1.
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