swing 180 degrees and where there is no adjacent
wall to accommodate wall type holder and stop. If
holder must be on outside of doors, specify bronze
(C12511) with satin chrome finish (626). Overhead
holders can be specified as "Stop Only" where the
hold-open feature is not desirable.
BHMA A156.8.
Closer Holder-Release Devices
NOTE: For fire doors which must be held open, use
electromagnetic holder-release devices.
BHMA A156.15.
Door Protection Plates
NOTE: Use pulls attached to plates. Use 200 by 400
mm 8 by 16 inch push plates where door design
permits. Use push bars or push and pull bars on
all-glass doors. Use kick plates for push sides of
doors equipped with closers. Use armor plates on
heavy-duty doors where hand trucks or other heavy
objects passing through the door could cause damage.
BHMA A156.6.
Sizes of [Armor] [Mop] [and] Kick Plates
NOTE: NFPA 80 requires that door plates be not more
than 400 mm 16 inches high. Where wheelchair
traffic is anticipated, kick plates should be 400 mm
16 inches high.
Width for single doors shall be 50 mm 2 inches less than door width; width
for pairs of doors shall be 25 mm one inch less than door width. Height of
kick plates shall be [[200] [250] mm[8] [10] inches for flush doors] [and] [
25 mmone inch less than height of bottom rail for panel doors]. Height of
armor plates shall be [not less than [900] [1200] [_____] mm [36] [48]
[_____] inches for flush doors [and] [shall completely cover lower panels
of panel doors, except that armor plates on fire doors shall be 400 mm 16
inches high]]. [Height of mop plates shall be [100] [150] mm [4] [6] inches.]
Edge Guards
NOTE: Edge guards should be detailed on drawings;
stipulate material, gauge, dimensions, etc. Use
edge guards in addition to armor plates on
heavy-duty doors where hand trucks or other heavy
objects passing through could damage doors. They
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