[six] [seven] pin tumblers. Cylinders shall be products of one
manufacturer, and cores shall be the products of one manufacturer. [Rim
cylinders, mortise cylinders, and knobs of bored locksets shall have
interchangeable cores which are removable by special control keys. Stamp
each interchangeable core with a key control symbol in a concealed place on
the core.]
[Provide cylinders for new locks, including locks provided under other
sections of this specification. Cylinders shall be fully compatible with
products of the Best Lock Corporation and shall have interchangeable cores
which are removable by a special control key. The cores shall have seven
pin tumblers and shall be factory set using the A4 system and F keyway.
Submit a core code sheet with the cores. The cores shall be master keyed
in one system for this project. Provide construction interchangeable
[Provide cylinders and cores for new locks, including locks provided under
other sections of this specification. Cylinders and cores shall have [six]
[seven] pin tumblers. Cylinders shall be interchangeable and fully
compatible with products from Best Lock Corp., Arrow Lock Corp., or Falcon
Lock which are removable by special control keys. Stamp each
interchangeable core with a key control symbol in a concealed place on the
Keying System
NOTE: Do not require higher levels of master keying
than necessary because each level decreases the
security of the locks. Specify a construction
system where necessary to ensure security after
construction is complete.
Provide [a [great] [grand] master keying system] [an extension of the
existing keying system. Existing locks were manufactured by [_____] and
[do not] have interchangeable cores.] [Provide [a construction master
keying system] [construction interchangeable cores].] [Provide key cabinet
as specified.]
NOTE: Add the following for Naval Training Center,
Orlando, Florida. Coordinate with the lead
[Sub-master keying system shall be provided for [the] [each] building, and
shall be keyed to the existing Best removable-core master and grand master
keying systems. Equipment spaces and mechanical rooms shall be keyed
separately from the building systems, and shall be keyed alike to the
existing Best master and grand master systems for these doors.]
NOTE: Add the following for Naval Submarine Base,
Kings Bay, Georgia. Coordinate with the lead
[The Government will provide permanent cylinders with cores and keys for
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