Provide flathead, cross-recessed type, exposed head screws and bolts with
standard threads for use on windows, trim, and accessories. Screw heads
shall finish flush with adjoining surfaces. Self-tapping sheet-metal
screws are not acceptable for material more than 1.59 mm 1/16 inch thick.
Drips and Weep Holes
Provide continuous drips over heads of top ventilators. Where fixed
windows adjoin ventilators, drips shall be continuous across tops of fixed
windows. Provide drips and weep holes as required to return water to the
Combination Windows
Windows used in combination shall be the same grade and performance class
and shall be factory assembled. Where factory assembly of individual
windows into larger units is limited by transportation considerations,
prefabricate, match mark, transport, and field assemble.
Provide windows complete with necessary hardware, fastenings, clips, fins,
anchors, glazing beads, and other appurtenances necessary for complete
installation and proper operation.
The item, type, and functional characteristics shall be the manufacturer's
standard for the particular window type and shall conform to AAMA 101.
Provide hardware that functions after the window assembly has withstood the
application of the design blast pressure causing the development of a
static design resistance, ru, uniformally applied over both glazing and
frame as defined in paragraph entitled "Certificates of Compliance" of this
section. Equip operating ventilators with a lock or latching device which
can be secured from the inside.
Provide concealed anchors of the type recommended by the window
manufacturer for the specific type of construction. Anchors and fasteners
shall be compatible with the window and the adjoining construction. Provide
a minimum of three anchors for each jamb located approximately 150 mm 6
inches from each end and at midpoint.
Window-Cleaner Anchors
NOTE: Windows having sills more than 13.7 meters 45
feet above grade, adjoining balconies, or adjoining
roofs should be shown and specified as requiring
window-cleaner anchors, unless window cleaning
methods at the activity make use of these anchors on
lower windows. Coordinate window cleaning
procedures and requirements with the using activity
in making the decision as to the need for window
cleaner anchors. No removable or tilting-type sash
may be provided instead of the anchors.
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