samples, beyond two, is left up to the vendor. However, it is noted that
the acceptance criteria encourages a larger number of test samples.
Test Procedure
NOTE: To assure receiving the desired blast
resistance protection, window assemblies provided by
Contractor must be exactly as specified. If
deviations from the specified requirements are
sought by the Contractor, the Contractor must
perform acceptance testing for the provided blast
resistant window assemblies.
Test windows (glass panes and support frame) shall be identical in type,
size, sealant, gasket or bead and construction to those furnished by the
window manufacturer. The frame assembly in the test setup shall be secured
by boundary conditions that simulate the adjoining walls of the structure
for intended installation. The simulation securing boundary conditions
shall be verified and attested by an attending Professional Engineer. Using
either a vacuum or a liquid-filled bladder, an increasing uniform load
shall be applied to the entire window assembly (glass and frame) until
failure occurs in either the glass or frame. Failure shall be defined as
either breaking of glass or loss of frame resistance. The failure load,
rf, shall be recorded to three significant figures. The load should be
applied at a rate of 0.5 ru per minute where ru is the static design
Glass Size
Static Design Resistance
[_____x_____] mm
[_____] kPa
Glass Size
Static Design Resistance
[_____x_____] inch
[_____] psi
Acceptance Criteria
The static load capacity (rs) of a glass pane for the specified acceptance
test procedure is:
rs = 0.876 ru
The window assembly (frame and glass) is considered acceptable when the
arithmetic mean of all the samples tested, r- such that:
r- => rs + sA
where: rs = static load capacity of the glass pane for certification
s = sample standard deviation
A = acceptance coefficient (Table 1)
For n test samples, r- is
defined as:
r- = sum from i = 1 thru n for rfi divided by n
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