DASMA 102. [Residential] [Commercial] [Industrial] doors. Metal doors
shall be horizontal sections hinged together which operate in a system of
tracks to completely close the door opening in the closed position and make
the full width and height of the door opening available for use in the open
position. Provide a permanent label on the door indicating the name and
address of the manufacturer. Doors shall be of the [standard lift type
designed to slide up and back into a horizontal overhead position and
requiring a maximum of 400 mm 16 inches of headroom for 50 mm 2 inch tracks
and 535 mm 21 inches of headroom for 75 mm 3 inch tracks] [low headroom
type designed to slide up and back into a horizontal overhead position and
requiring a maximum of 250 mm 10 inches of headroom for 50 mm 2 inch tracks
and 300 mm 12 inches of headroom for 75 mm 3 inchtracks] [high lift type
designed to slide up and back into a combination vertical and horizontal
position] [vertical lift type designed to slide upward into a vertical
position]. Doors shall be operated [by lifting handles] [by hand chain
with gear or sprocket reduction] [by hand crank with gear or sprocket
reduction] [by electric power with auxiliary hand chain operation].
NOTE: Insert design wind load for the building if
not shown on the drawings.
DASMA 102 [except that design wind load shall be [as indicated for the
building] [[_____] kilopascals pounds per square foot]]. Doors shall
remain operable and undamaged after conclusion of tests conducted in
accordance with ASTM E 330 using the design wind load.
NOTE: Choose this paragraph and subparagraphs or
the paragraph below entitled "Aluminum Panel
Overhead Doors."
Steel Overhead Doors
Form door sections of hot-dipped galvanized steel not lighter than [1.5 mm
thick16 gage with flush surface without ribs or grooves] [or] [0.9 mm thick
20 gage with longitudinal integral reinforcing ribs] [or] [0.6 mm thick24
gage with longitudinal integral reinforcing ribs and flat bottom
V-grooves]. Sections shall be not less than 50 mm 2 inches in thickness.
Meeting rails shall have interlocking joints to ensure a weathertight
closure and alignment for full width of the door. Sections shall be of the
height indicated or the manufacturer's standard, except the height of an
intermediate section shall not exceed 600 mm thick 24 inches. Bottom
sections may be varied to suit door height, but shall not exceed 750 mm 30
inches in height. [Provide glass panels as indicated. Install panels
using rubber gaskets as standard with the door manufacturer.]
Insulated Sections
Insulate door sections with fibrous glass or plastic foam to provide a "U"
factor of 0.14 or less when tested in accordance with ASTM C 236. Cover
interior of door sections with steel sheets of not lighter than 0.6 mm thick
24 gage to completely enclose the insulating material.
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