Seats of metal thresholds for
[As selected]
exterior doors.
[Gray] [White]
Control and expansion joints in floors,
slabs, ceramic tile, and walkways.
Acoustical Sealant
NOTE: See ASTM C 919 for use of acoustical sealant.
The acoustical sealant described here is to be used
only in non-moving joints protected from abuse.
Other specified sealants may be used in acoustical
applications when appropriate.
[_____] Rubber or polymer-based acoustical sealant conforming to ASTM C 919
shall have a flame spread of 25 or less and a smoke developed rating of 50
or less when tested in accordance with ASTM E 84. Acoustical sealant shall
have a consistency of 250 to 310 when tested in accordance with ASTM D 217,
and shall remain flexible and adhesive after 500 hours of accelerated
weathering as specified in ASTM C 734, and shall be non-staining.
Preformed Sealant
Preformed sealant shall be polybutylene or isoprene-butylene based pressure
sensitive weather resistant tape or bead sealant capable of sealing out
moisture, air and dust when installed as recommended by the manufacturer.
At temperatures from minus 34 to plus 71 degrees C 30 to plus 160 degrees F,
the sealant shall be non-bleeding and shall have no loss of adhesion.
[_____] Tape sealant:
cross-section dimensions shall be [_____].
[_____] Bead sealant:
cross-section dimensions shall be [_____].
Foam Strip
NOTE: Untreated polyurethane foam can be used where
exposed to view or where staining of adjacent
surfaces is not acceptable.
[_____] Foam strip shall be polyurethane foam; cross-section dimensions
shall be [_____]. Foam strip shall be capable of sealing out moisture,
air, and dust when installed and compressed as recommended by the
manufacturer. Service temperature shall be minus 40 to plus 135 degrees C
minus 40 to plus 275 degrees F. Untreated strips shall be furnished with
adhesive to hold them in place. Adhesive shall not stain or bleed into
adjacent finishes. Treated strips shall be saturated with butylene
waterproofing or impregnated with asphalt.
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