and 90 degrees F when sealant is applied.
Deliver materials to the job site in unopened manufacturers' external
shipping containers, with brand names, date of manufacture, [color,] and
material designation clearly marked thereon. Elastomeric sealant
containers shall be labeled to identify type, class, grade, and use.
Carefully handle and store materials to prevent inclusion of foreign
materials or subjection to sustained temperatures exceeding 32 degrees C 90
degrees F or less than 4 degrees C 0 degrees F.
NOTE: Use Latex Sealant (ASTM C 834) for temporary,
low budget construction; interior sealing of joints
in wood or masonry, or in short joints between
masonry, wood, or metal surfaces where maximum
movement is anticipated not to exceed 15 percent of
joint width.
Use elastomeric Sealants (ASTM C 920) for interior
and exterior applications where maximum joint
movement is anticipated to be between 25 and 50
percent of joint width.
Chemically curing sealants should not be used
adjacent to or above membrane surfaces of asphaltic
or bituminous materials; a sealant based on asphalt
or bituminous materials similar to those in the
membrane should be used.
Since all sealants meeting this specification are
not suitable for all applications and substrates,
specify applicable type, grade, class, and use(s)
for each intended purpose:
Type S:
Type M:
Grade P: Pourable or self-leveling sealant for
horizontal applications
Grade NS:
Nonsag for vertical applications
Class 25: Withstands increase and decrease of at
least 25 percent of joint width
Class 12.5: Withstands increase and decrease of at
least 12.5 percent of joint width
Use T: Pedestrian and vehicular traffic areas such
as walkways, plazas, decks, and parking garages
Use NT:
Nontraffic areas, horizontal and vertical
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