Rating = [_____] hour, T Rating = [_____] hour.
Construction Joints and Gaps
Fire resistance ratings of construction joints, as described in paragraph
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, and gaps such as those between floor slabs or roof
decks and curtain walls shall be [the same as the construction in which
they occur.] [as follows: construction joints in walls, [_____] hour;
construction joints in floors, [_____] hour; gaps between floor slabs and
curtain walls, [_____] hour; gaps between top of the walls and the bottom
of roof and floor decks, [_____] hour.] Construction joints and gaps shall
be provided with firestopping materials and systems that have been tested
per ASTM E 119, ASTM E 1966 or UL 2079 to meet the required fire resistance
rating. Systems installed at construction joints shall meet the cycling
requirements of ASTM E 1399 or UL 2079.
Areas to receive firestopping shall be free of dirt, grease, oil, or loose
materials which may affect the fitting or fire resistance of the
firestopping system. For cast-in-place firestop devices, formwork or metal
deck to receive device prior to concrete placement shall be sound and
capable of supporting device. Surfaces shall be prepared as recommended by
the manufacturer.
NOTE: Drawings must indicate location and fire
ratings of all fire-rated walls, partitions, floors
and ceilings; and details of firestopping for each
type of construction.
Firestopping material shall completely fill void spaces regardless of
geometric configuration, subject to tolerance established by the
manufacturer. Firestopping systems for filling floor voids 100 mm 4 inches
or more in any direction shall be capable of supporting the same load as
the floor is designed to support or shall be protected by a permanent
barrier to prevent loading or traffic in the firestopped area.
Firestopping shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer's written
instructions. Tested and listed firestop systems shall be provided in the
following locations, except in floor slabs on grade:
Penetrations of duct, conduit, tubing, cable and pipe through
floors and through fire-resistance rated walls, partitions, and
ceiling-floor assemblies.
Penetrations of vertical shafts such as pipe chases, elevator
shafts, and utility chutes.
Gaps at the intersection of floor slabs and curtain walls,
including inside of hollow curtain walls at the floor slab.
Gaps at perimeter of fire-resistance rated walls and partitions,
such as between the top of the walls and the bottom of roof decks.
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