Preroofing Conference
NOTE: Consult with the Contracting Officer
responsible for construction of the project to
determine who should conduct the conference. For
SOUTHNAVFACENGCOM administered projects, delete the
option of Contractor conducting the conference and
delete the last sentence.
After submittals are received and approved but before roofing [and
insulation] work, including associated work, is preformed, the [Contracting
Officer will] [Contractor shall] hold a preroofing conference to review the
The drawings and specifications
Procedure for on site inspection and acceptance of the roofing
substrate and pertinent structural details relating to the roofing
Contractor's plan for coordination of the work of the various
trades involved in providing the roofing system and other
components secured to the roofing
Safety requirements
The preroofing conference shall be attended by the Contractor and personnel
directly responsible for the roofing [and insulation] installation,
[[mechanical] [and] [electrical] work], and the roofing manufacturer's
technical representative. Conflicts among those attending the preroofing
conference shall be resolved and confirmed in writing before roofing work,
including associated work, is begun. [Prepare written minutes of the
preroofing conference and submit to the Contracting Officer.]
The SSMRS shall be the product of a metal roofing industry - recognized
manufacturer who has been in the practice of manufacturing SSMRS for a
period of not less than 5 years and who has been involved in at least 5
projects similar in size and complexity to this project.
Manufacturer's Technical Representative
The representative shall have authorization from manufacturer to approve
field changes and be thoroughly familiar with the products and with
installations in the geographical area where construction will take place.
The manufacturer's representative shall be an employee of the manufacturer
with at least 5 years experience in installing the roof system. The
representative shall be available to perform field inspections and attend
meetings as required herein, and as requested by the Contracting Officer.
Installer's Qualifications
The roofing system installer shall be factory-trained, approved by the
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