manufacturer's technical representative meets below specified
requirements. Include name, address, telephone number, and
experience record.
Submit documentation proving the installer is factory-trained,
has the specified experience, and authorized by the manufacturer
to install the products specified.
Coil stock compatibility; G
Provide certification of coil compatibility with roll forming
machinery to be used for forming panels without warping, waviness,
and rippling not part of panel profile; to be done without damage,
abrasion or marking of finish coating.]
SD-08 Manufacturer's Instructions
Installation manual; G
Submit manufacturers printed installation manual, instructions,
and standard details.
SD-11 Closeout Submittals
Information card
For each roofing installation, submit a typewritten card or
photoengraved aluminum card containing the information listed on
Form 1 located at the end of this section.
NOTE: Ensure that appropriate design loads are
specified in paragraph "Wind Uplift."
Provide design calculations prepared by a professional engineer
specializing in structural engineering verifying that system supplied and
any additional framing meets design load criteria indicated. Coordinate
calculations with manufacturer's test results. Include calculations for:
Wind load uplift design pressure at roof locations specified in
paragraph entitled "Wind Uplift."
Clip spacing and allowable load per clip.
Fastening of clips to structure or intermediate supports.
Intermediate support spacing and framing and fastening to
structure when required.
Allowable panel span at anchorage spacing indicated.
Safety factor used in design loading.
Governing code requirements or criteria.
Edge and termination details.
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