Prevent damage to edges and ends of roll materials. Damaged materials
shall not be installed in the work. Select and operate material handling
equipment so as not to damage materials or applied roofing.
temperature is below 4 degrees C (40 degrees F), or when there is ice,
frost, moisture or visible dampness on roof deck.[ Restriction on
application of roofing materials below 4 degrees C (40 degrees F) may be
waived if Contractor devises a means, satisfactory to Contracting Officer,
of: (1) maintaining surrounding temperature above 4 degrees C (40 degrees
F); (2) maintaining application temperature of heated materials without
exceeding maximum specified heating temperature; and follows other
recommendations of the membrane manufacturer for application in cold
weather conditions.]
Coordinate the work with other trades to ensure that components which are
to be secured to or stripped into the roofing system are available and that
permanent flashing and counterflashing are installed as the work
progresses. Ensure temporary protection measures are in place to preclude
moisture intrusion or damage to installed materials.[ Application of
roofing shall immediately follow application of insulation as a continuous
operation. Roofing operations shall be coordinated with insulation work so
that all roof insulation applied each day is covered with complete felt ply
installation the same day.]
Provide roof system material and workmanship warranties meeting specified
requirements. Revision or amendment to standard membrane manufacturer
warranty shall be provided as required to comply with the specified
Roof Membrane Manufacturer Warranty
NOTE: Buildings with roof area of 700 sq. meters
(75 squares) or greater, administrative, classroom
and other high use facilities, and facilities with
sensitive use, contents, equipment, or functions
require minimum 20 year warranty. All
environmentally controlled interiors shall require a
minimum 10 year roof warranty. Designer may specify
5 or 10 year manufacturer warranty on facilities of
small roof area and of minor importance where
interiors and contents are not severely impacted by
Furnish the roof membrane manufacturer's [5][10][20]-year no dollar limit
roof system materials and installation workmanship warranty, including
flashing, insulation, and accessories necessary for a watertight roof
system construction. The warranty shall run directly to the Government and
commence at time of Government's acceptance of the roof work. The warranty
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